
The LNL-2220 Intelligent Dual Reader Controller (IDRC) by Lenel provides a single board solution for interfacing one or two doors to an OnGuard® system. In addition, other I/O and reader interface modules can be added on the LNL-2220’s downstream port to expand its capabilities. The LNL-2220 revolutionizes access control system architecture by allowing Ethernet connection directly from an entry location to the OnGuard server, while still providing the security, functionality, and modularity of Lenel’s proven hardware platform. The LNL-2220 is scalable for any access control application, from the most basic to the most sophisticated. In the event of communication loss, the LNL-2220 allows nearly all local functionality to continue unimpaired until the server connection is restored. Utilizing its native Ethernet communications and an advanced 32- bit processor, the LNL-2220 can communicate upstream to the host computer through its Ethernet port (with a throughput up to eight times greater than the fastest serial connections), or at up to 115.2 Kbps using RS-232 communication directly or through an external dial-up modem. The LNL-2220 can store up to 250,000 cardholders in non-volatile flash memory, and supports selective download for larger cardholder databases. The downstream RS-485 two-wire port can be used to connect up to 32 devices (maximum 64 doors). Two on-board reader ports support Data1/Data0, Clock/Data, Bioscrypt RS-485 readers and the bidirectional RS-485 Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) communications. Each LNL-2220 supports up to eight different card formats. The LNL-2220 includes eight inputs that support normally open, normally closed, supervised, and unsupervised circuits. In addition, four output relays support fail-safe or fail-secure operation.