Cibersoftware - Solutions for Hospitals and Clinics

Energy Systems

Most of the damage that energy consumption causes to the environment and public health comes from the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil, coal and gas. The emissions generated by the burning of fossil fuels are one of the main factors of global climate change and health problems that are experienced at the local level. In 2007, fossil fuels accounted for 86% of global primary energy consumption and released almost 30 billion metric tons of carbon pollution into the atmosphere. Both greater energy efficiency and a transition towards the use of renewable clean energy sources - for example, wind energy or solar energy - can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect public health from the innumerable consequences of change climate, among them, the higher incidence of heat-related diseases, the spread of vector-borne diseases, the accentuation of droughts and water scarcity in some regions, and storms and floods in others. The abandonment of fossil fuels also brings with it a co-benefit or collateral benefit in health and in the economy that consists of a lower number of hospitalizations and treatments for chronic diseases, such as asthma and the pulmonary and cardiac conditions caused by the pollution they produce. the extraction, refining and combustion of coal, gas and oil.

Telecommunications Systems

A simple and easy way to store your articles, documents, classes, photos, exams and all your studies, in one environment and best of all ... only yours, with total security in a single team only. Quick and easy access synchronized all in cloud for your equipment, smartphones and tablets. Make backup copies reflected in another, fully synchronized! Never again will you speak ... "I have, but I need to locate in one of my backup copies". Forget about the worry of using several HDs, of losing files in the middle of so many backups and numerous storage media (units of units, cds, dvds, etc). We have a simple, practical and easy solution, being able to use it anywhere of the world. The Data Center, is conceived from its structural design to house large computing processing platforms under different schemes of service delivery to its users. With the technological advances, this model has evolved offering multiple options that guide the user to the outsourcing of the management of capacities to host their applications of high criticality.

Electronic Security Systems

The Management of a Health Center would not be complete without an IP Video Surveillance System. Cibersoftware offers advanced solutions that provide scheduled / continuous surveillance and image recording that allow an adequate view of the facilities. Through the software, a large amount of information is processed, which is complemented by the perimeter detection and access control systems (fingerprint identification, proximity cards or magnetic stripe cards). Digital video circuits operate over IP networks. The cameras arranged monitor the strategic points of the Center, resist adverse weather conditions and have infrared systems, thus managing to cover the smallest details even in low light. These systems allow the monitoring of patients, doctors, employees and visitors, without being seen. The documentation of attempted thefts, is the ideal support for security personnel. It also facilitates the control of all personnel and procedures: from the treatment of patients to compliance with the pathological waste disposal protocol.

As a complement to Electronic Security, Cibersoftware offers access control systems to Health Centers. They allow defining: who, when and where you can access in a safe and controlled manner. Systems that allow to control, track and manage the transit of visits to the facilities, as well as doctors, heads of service, nurses, cleaning and security employees. This technology ensures the registration of everything that happened, providing the possibility of saving a history of the times of permanence.

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