Cibersoftware - Solutions for Colleges and Universities

Energy Systems

Within the programs of integral management of energy saving or "Sustainable Campus", a fundamental aspect is the one referred to the saving and the energetic efficiency in all his university campuses, incorporating this premise in the decision-making process related to the infrastructures and the maintenance of the facilities. Following these lines of action, the universities are launching a campaign of energy savings and efficiency whose purpose is to reduce unnecessary consumption in their facilities and encourage environmental responsibility among the university community. These campaigns must be accompanied by a series of deployments in the energy substations and the use of the electrical systems for which Cibersoftware is ready to help you in the energy saving solution

In an approach oriented towards energy efficiency, these peculiar characteristics must be considered during the design stage or in the renovation processes of the building. The project (orientation of the building, volumetry of its interior, etc.), the construction materials and ambience , the equipment in general (furniture, games, signage, etc.), services (fuel, water, air conditioning, lighting, data center, etc.), the generation and treatment of waste and effluents, as well as the model of Operational management will have an impact on the energy efficiency of the enterprise.

Telecommunications Systems

If the universities want to comply with the demands that all data centers face regarding availability, physical security, access, distribution and sustainability, it is necessary that they have an adequate infrastructure to maximize their potential and maintain their functioning in a reliable and agile way; however, in many educational institutions this is not considered a priority.

Although it is evident that the data center is a crucial part of the universities, there are still many institutions that are not updated in this field, which leaves them at a disadvantage compared to the technological advance. All organizations nowadays must have a center efficient data, and for universities this is not different. Within a university institution the data center must be able to handle the flow of information to which it is subjected; If the data center infrastructure fails, it can result in poor services and unsatisfied users, and in worse cases, the cessation of operational activities, suspension of services or system crash.

Electronic Security Systems

With a project implemented in its entirety with high technology equipment in electronic security, now the Universities protect their assets, their students and employees. The projects offered by Cibersoftware consist in the installation and integration of CCTV systems, fire detection and access control to support surveillance at points of entry and common spaces such as classrooms and offices. In these installations, systems such as: Access control and event management software, Access control software, Intrusion panels, Video management and recording software, IP cameras, VideoEdge video recorders are installed.

For the most demanding Video Surveillance applications, only the most powerful and reliable solutions in the industry can be used. And there are no more demanding Video Surveillance deployments than in casinos and other gaming operations, where the games of hand and the fastest of the movements must be captured, reviewed and archived to comply with the strictest control standards.

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